Situation summary
Attacks against civilians were reported in Oromia region, while regional leadership changes occurred in Gambela region in response to security issues. In Tigray region, divisions in the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) widened as one faction of the party moved forward with a controversial conference.
Armed groups attack civilians in Oromia region
In Oromia region, attacks by armed groups on civilians persisted, leading to fatalities. On 13 August, suspected Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) members — referred to by the government as the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)-Shane — attacked and killed at least three civilians in Aseko woreda, Arsi zone. One of the victims was an Orthodox priest. The militants also burned houses and looted properties. Around 400 households were displaced as a result of the attack.1Kenedi Abate, ‘Residents said that 3 civilians were killed by militants in Aseko district of Arsi Zone,’ VOA Amharic, 17 August 2024 Attacks targeting Orthodox Christians occur in Arsi zone of Oromia region periodically. The first attack against civilians in this zone was recorded in February 2023. Since then, ACLED records 18 separate attacks targeting Orthodox Christians in Arsi zone, resulting in an estimated 73 fatalities. In November 2023, the government accused the OLA/OLF-Shane of killing 36 Orthodox Christians in Shirka woreda, Arsi zone, which the OLA-OLF/Shane denied. Despite denying being responsible for the attacks, the OLA/OLF-Shane has become increasingly active in Arsi zone since October 2023.
As Ethiopia’s political landscape becomes more polarized, factions may instrumentalize religious institutions, and religious minorities may continue to be targeted (for more information, see the EPO Monthly April-May 2022).
Political updates in Tigray and Gambela regions
In Tigray region, the TPLF faction led by Debretsion Gebremichael moved ahead with the 14th general assembly of the party, ignoring warnings from the National Election Board of Ethiopia and from Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed that the conference was not following the stipulated requirements to finalize the party registration. This general assembly ended with the re-election of Debretsion as chairman and election of new members of the central committee.2Million Hialeselase, Hirut Melese and Yohanes Gebre Egziabher, ‘Debretsion was elected as the chairman of the TPLF in the assembly that was not recognized by the National Election Board,’ DW Amharic, 19 August 2024 The assembly also removed Getachew Reda — head of the Interim Regional Administration of Tigray — and several other TPLF officials who boycotted the meeting from the party leadership.3Mulgeta Atsebeha, ‘The TPLF group led by Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael has announced the suspension of Getachew Reda,’ VOA Amharic, 20 August 2024 In the meantime, the faction led by Getachew held a separate meeting to discuss activities to save the TPLF from disintegrating. During a press conference, Getachew also indicated that the newly elected central committee is relying on an unidentified armed group to implement its will and might try to take over the Interim Regional Administration of Tigray.4BBC Amharic, ‘The group led by Mr. Getachew began to hold a meeting called “Saving the TPLF,”’ 18 August 2024; Addis Maleda, ‘Mr. Getachew Reda urged that Tigray security forces should not be a tool for those who want power,’ 17 August 2024 The interim administration president urged Tigray forces to be independent during this internal conflict.5Addis Maleda, ‘Mr. Getachew Reda urged that Tigray security forces should not be a tool for those who want power,’ 17 August 2024; BBC Amharic, ‘There was a call for Tigray forces to be independent from the division between the TPLF,’ 19 August 2024 Meanwhile, the 14th general assembly spokesperson stated that “in the current situation, there is nothing that will lead Tigray to another war.”6Amanuel Jemberu, ‘”If war was necessary and an option, the problems in Tigray would invite another war,” Mr Emanuel Asefe,’ Addis Maleda, 19 August 2024 Given that the Tigray Defense Forces are not yet disarmed, the deepening tensions between the two TPLF factions could result in violence.
In Gambela region, the regional council elected a new head of state and deputy head of state during an emergency session called to “investigate issues and pass decisions.”7Gambella Regional Gov’t Press Secretariat Office, ‘The Gambella Regional Council has started its emergency meeting,’ 15 August 2024 Alemitu Omud was elected as the first female head of state in Ethiopia’s history. The incumbent head of state has reportedly taken another role within the Prosperity Party.8Gambella Star, ‘Mrs. Alemitu Omod the first female regional state Governor in Ethiopia,’ 18 August 2024 Authorities in Gambela region have been struggling with renewed violence since the spring of 2023 and the appointments reflect a desire for a new leadership strategy in dealing with peace and security.

Ethiopia at a Glance
10-16 August 2024
The data cover the period from 10 to 16 August 2024. For more information about how ACLED collects data and categorizes events, see the ACLED Codebook. Some events from this coverage period might be included in the data in subsequent weeks due to reporting delays.
Political Violence Events9This includes the Battles, Explosions/Remote violence, and Violence against civilians event types, as well as the Mob violence sub-event type of the Riots event type.: 35
-59% from previous week
Demonstration Events10This includes the Protests event type as well as the Violent demonstrations sub-event type of the Riots event type.: 1
None (% increase from 0 not applicable)
Event Types
Battles: 25 Events
Explosions/Remote Violence: 0 Events
Violence Against Civilians: 10 Events
Mob Violence: 0 Events
Protests: 1 Event
Violent Demonstrations: 0 Events