Situation summary
Clashes reached major cities in Amhara region, while violence reignited in Segen Zuria woreda of Konso zone, South Ethiopia region.
Fighting returns to Amhara region’s cities
In Amhara region, renewed fighting between Fano militias and the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) and allied Amhara regional forces was reported in several major towns, including the regional capital, Bahir Dar, and Debre Markos, the seat of East Gojam zone. Meanwhile, fighting in rural areas continued. In August, clashes between the two parties in Amhara region reached their highest levels since March 2024. In Bahir Dar, a bomb attack targeted a police station on 17 August. The next day clashes between Fano militias and ENDF and Amhara police forces were reported near the Belay Zeleke Airport, at Zenzelima, and around Sebat Amit prison in the city. Clashes were also recorded in Debre Markos. The fighting follows a strike that Fano militias declared the week before in Bahir Dar city, warning people to stay at home to avoid any casualties as the group planned to enter the city. This halted traffic and forced business centers to close for a few days. The strike was not limited to Bahir Dar. Similar strikes were reported in other towns, including Debre Markos, Woldiya, and Shewa Robit.1BBC Amharic, ‘The current situation in some of the main cities of Amhara region under tension for the past few days,’ 19 August 2024
The ENDF claimed to have conducted military operations targeting Fano militia groups in North Shewa, Central Gondar, and West Gojam zones. Meanwhile, Fano militias claimed to have attacked government forces in Awi, West Gojam, North Shewa, South Gondar, North Gondar, and North Wello zones (for more information on Ethiopia’s polarized media environment, and government reports on military actions, see the EPO Monthly: July 2024).
Violence reignites in Segen Zuria woreda
In South Ethiopia region, suspected Derashe ethnic militias clashed with South Ethiopia state police and kebele militias in Segen town in Segen Zuria woreda, Konso zone, reigniting violence in an area that has been peaceful since July 2023. Clashes started on 17 August and continued the next day 18 August, until the armed militias took control of Segen town. The militias continued to destroy public and private property until they withdrew from the town on 22 August, and the federal forces entered the town the same day and retook control of the area.
The Konso and Segen Area Peoples zones conflict emerged over the fallout of Konso woreda’s designation as a zone in 2018. Derashe woreda, along with Burji, Konso, and Amaro, used to hold the status of ‘special woreda,’ which was lost when Konso zone gained its zone status. Konso and Segen Area Peoples zones have been the scene of intense bouts of ethnic-based violence over administrative borders since, with violence pausing only in 2023. Amaro, Basketo, Burji, Amaro, Derashe, and Ale gained zonal status in August 2023.

Ethiopia at a Glance
17-23 August 2024
The data cover the period from 17 to 23 August 2024. For more information about how ACLED collects data and categorizes events, see the ACLED Codebook. Some events from this coverage period might be included in the data in subsequent weeks due to reporting delays.
Political Violence Events2This includes the Battles, Explosions/Remote violence, and Violence against civilians event types, as well as the Mob violence sub-event type of the Riots event type.: 43
No change from the previous week
Demonstration Events3This includes the Protests event type as well as the Violent demonstrations sub-event type of the Riots event type.: 1
-50% from the previous week
Event Types
Battles: 31 Events
Explosions/Remote Violence: 3 Events
Violence Against Civilians: 9 Events
Mob Violence: 0 Event
Protests: 1 Event
Violent Demonstrations: 0 Events