Situation Summary
Armed clashes between Fano militias and the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) intensified in urban areas of Amhara region. In Oromia region, a limited clash between Fano militias and local security forces was reported last week. Violence against civilians was also reported in both regions. Meanwhile, a protest was held in Tigray region, demanding full implementation of the Pretoria agreement.
Clashes Reach Urban Areas in Amhara Region
Armed clashes between the ENDF and Fano militias continued last week, with clashes reported in the urban areas of Bahir Dar, Shewa Robit, Dembecha, Debre Markos, and Merawi. The majority of clashes were recorded in West Gojam zone. In Bahir Dar, the ENDF and Amhara regional state forces conducted house-to-house searches, claiming to have shot, killed, and captured several Fano militia members.1Amhara Media Corporation, ‘”The law enforcement campaign is fully underway” Amhara Region Government Communication Affairs Office,’ 1 March 2024 Additional clashes were reported throughout the region, including major operations by the ENDF to retake Feres Bet in West Gojam zone and clashes near Lalibela airport in North Wello zone.2Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) Defense Force, ‘The Commander-in-Chief of the Unit announced that the action being taken against the extremist forces has been intensified,’ 27 February 2024 Clashes were also reported in rural areas in Awi, South Wello, East Gojam, West Gojam, and North Shewa zones.
Attacks against civilians, including government officials, have also continued in the region. On 29 February, the Woldiya Town Services Administration Office head was assassinated by unidentified gunmen — likely associated with Fano militias — in Woldiya town, North Wello zone. Similarly, last week, Shewa Robit’s Police Force commander and head of the Peace and Security Office were killed by Fano militias in Shewa Robit town, North Shewa zone.3BBC Amharic, ‘Residents said that there was a heavy exchange of fire in Shewa Robit,’ 4 March 2024 Following these assassinations, tension was high in Shewa Robit throughout last week, leading to armed clashes between government forces and Fano militias on 3 March. It was also reported that over 200 youths from South Ethiopia Peoples region who were heading to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam for fieldwork were kidnapped by Fano militias in East Gojam zone, Amhara. The Gojam Fano Operation Head confirmed this kidnapping but denied the purpose of the youths’ travel, claiming the youths were members of ENDF and kebele militias.4Yonatan Zebdios, ‘It was announced that 275 youths who were going to the Renaissance Dam to clear a forest were kidnapped,’ VOA Amharic, 5 March 2024
In the meantime, on 24 February, it was announced that two anti-government movements — Amhara Popular Front Fano led by Zemane Kassie and Fano militia led by Sheleka Zinabu — united to create the Gojam Amhara Fano.5Ethiopia Media Services, ‘EMS Zena Sat 24 Feb 2024,’ 24 February 2024 Anti-government movements in Amhara region have faced major hurdles in unifying and coordinating efforts. However, the increase in violence since February, including new battles in urban areas, may suggest that they are overcoming some of these hurdles. Previously, most fighting was concentrated in rural areas of the region.
Violence Against Civilians in Oromia Region
On 28 February, gunmen identified as Fano militiamen attacked a public bus in Dega Jigi area in Gida Ayana woreda, East Wollega zone, killing three civilians and wounding two others. Local security forces responded, prompting short clashes between Fano militia and security forces. This is the first ethnic-based violence against civilians since September 2023. Both ethnic Amhara and Oromo inhabit northwestern Oromia, and attacks against civilians by armed groups occur frequently and have worsened with the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) — referred to by the government as the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)-Shane — and Fano militia insurgencies. Violence in this area involves a myriad of violent actors, and major clashes were reported in December 2022.
Elsewhere in the region, ENDF sources announced operations against the OLA/OLF-Shane, resulting in armed clashes and an unspecified number of fatalities in Wesele kebele in Jeldu woreda, West Shewa zone.6FDRE Defense Force, ‘Necessary action has been taken against the terrorist Shane group operating in West Shewa zone,’ 1 March 2024
Protest in Tigray Region
In Tigray region, on 29 February, pensioners staged a protest in Mekele, demanding the payment of pensions, which stopped since the start of the northern Ethiopia conflict in November 2020. The protesters also demanded that the contents of the Pretoria Agreement — signed between the government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front — be implemented. Demonstration events have been held semi-frequently in Mekele since the signing of the Pretoria Agreement in November 2022, pressuring the Interim Regional Administration of Tigray to solve issues of finance, displacement, and medical care for former Tigray Defense Force soldiers.

Ethiopia at a Glance
24 February – 1 March 2024
Data cover the period of 24 February – 1 March 2024. For more information about how ACLED collects data and categorizes events, see the ACLED Codebook. Some events from this coverage period might be included in the data in subsequent weeks due to reporting delays.
Political Violence Events7This includes the Battles, Explosions/Remote Violence and Violence Against Civilians event types, as well as the Mob Violence sub-event type of the Riot event type.: 39
-33% from previous week
Demonstration Events8This includes the Protests event type as well as the Violent Demonstration sub-event type of the Riot event type.: 1
0 from previous week
Event Types
Battles: 32 Events
Explosions/Remote Violence: 0 Events
Violence Against Civilians: 7 Events
Mob Violence: 0 Events
Protests: 1 Events
Violent Demonstrations: 0 Events