Situation Summary
Last week, renewed clashes were reported in disputed territory in Southern Tigray zone, Tigray, while violence against Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) clergy members was reported in Oromia region. Meanwhile, communal violence continued in Gambela region.
Renewed Clashes in Disputed Territory in Tigray Region
On 25 and 26 March, clashes between Tigray and Amhara ethnic militias renewed in the disputed territory of Southern Tigray zone, with fighting recorded in Ber Teklai area in Alamata woreda. The Tigray militia also controlled Tao and Addis Birhan kebeles in Alamata woreda. Four Amhara militiamen were reportedly killed as a result of the clashes, with 12 others injured. The Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) also clashed with Amhara ethnic militias following ENDF’s attempt to block additional Amhara fighters from joining the clash between Tigray and Amhara ethnic militias in the area. Following these clashes, on 31 March, a demonstration was held in Korem town, Southern Tigray zone, with the protestors asking the government to resolve the status of the disputed territories before additional violence occurs.1VOA Amharic, ‘The residents of Korom asked to resolve the conflict in the border areas without causing more damage,’ 1 April 2024
Clashes in Southern Tigray zone — officially recognized as part of Tigray region but de facto administered by officials from Amhara region — were recorded in February for the first time since the end of the northern Ethiopia conflict in November 2022. Tension between the Amhara and Tigray regional governments has been rising. Last week, the Interim Regional Administration of Tigray issued a warning to Amhara region over printed textbooks distributed by Amhara regional authorities to students that showed the disputed territories as part of Amhara region.2BBC Amharic, ‘Tigray region warned Amhara region to immediately correct the map it published in books,’ 25 March 2024 In response, the Amhara regional government stated that historically, the disputed territories belonged to Amhara and asked the Tigray administration to refrain from violence-inciting statements.3Amhara Media Corporation, ‘Press statement from Amhara regional government,’ 28 March 2024 While the scale of the fighting is small in comparison to the conflicts occurring elsewhere in Ethiopia, developments in this location are significant as it poses a direct threat to the peace achieved by the Pretoria agreement.
Meanwhile, on 22 and 23 March, the Interim Regional Administration of Tigray announced the release of 212 prisoners of war, a positive development following an African Union-led meeting between regional and federal government officials and members of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front.4Tigrai Television, ‘Tigray Interim Regional Administration Releases Over 100 Prisoners of War,’ 22 March 2024; Tigray Communication Affairs Bureau, ‘The Tigray Provisional Administration pardoned more war prisoners,’ 23 March 2024
Fighting in Oromia Region
In Oromia region, armed clashes and violence against civilians persisted. Last week, a clash was reported between the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) — referred to by the government as the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)-Shane — and the ENDF in Ameya woreda, South-West Shewa zone, resulting in three reported fatalities. Additional clashes were also reported in Gidami woreda in Kellem Wollega zone and Begi woreda in West Wollega zone on 22 and 23 March. Following the clashes in these woredas, government forces reportedly shot and killed 16 civilians whom they accused of supporting the OLA/OLF-Shane.5VOA Amharic, ‘Due to continued violence in Wollega zones 16 civilians were killed,’ 28 March 2024
Elsewhere, suspected militants reportedly killed two clergymen along with five of their family members and four other civilians in Dodola town, Dodola woreda, in West Arsi zone on 25 March. Local woreda administration sources blamed the OLA/OLF-Shane, while other sources indicated that the attacks were perpetrated by unidentified people.6Seyoum Getu, Negash Mohammed, and Mantegaftot Seleshi, ‘Killing of innocents in Dodola, West Arsi zone,’ DW Amharic, 27 March 2024; BBC Amharic, ‘Militants killed ministers and believers in East and West RC zones,’ 27 March 2024 Government sources said investigations into the attacks were underway.7Gelemo Dawit, ‘11 Church servants and believers killed in Dodola attack,’ VOA Amharic, 27 March 2024 Attacks against EOTC occur on occasion in Oromia region, the most recent being an attack against the Ziquala monastery in East Shewa zone in February.
Continued Violence in Gambela Region
Communal violence continued in Gambela region when unidentified gunmen reportedly shot and killed five pastoralist individuals in Abobo woreda, Agnewak zone, on 26 March. The next day, suspected Agnewak ethnic militias attacked a public bus as it traveled between Abol woreda and Tharpam Refugee Camp in Itang special woreda, reportedly killing five civilians. Government officials in Gambela acknowledged the problem and blamed elements of the region’s security structure, indicating that arrests were being made.8Gambella Regional Gov’t Press Secretariat Office, ‘Gambella Government’s statement on the current security situation in the region,’ 29 March 2024
Since 2018, Gambela has been one of the most peaceful locations in Ethiopia, a welcome respite from its turbulent past. This trend appears to be reversing as a series of incidents have occurred in the last few months, the latest involving the shooting of a police officer in Gambela town on 18 March.

Ethiopia at a Glance
23-29 March 2024
Data cover the period of 23-29 March 2024. For more information about how ACLED collects data and categorizes events, see the ACLED Codebook. Some events from this coverage period might be included in the data in subsequent weeks due to reporting delays.
Political Violence Events:9This includes the Battles, Explosions/Remote Violence and Violence Against Civilians event types, as well as the Mob Violence sub-event type of the Riot event type. 22
-35% from previous week
Demonstration Events:10This includes the Protests event type as well as the Violent Demonstration sub-event type of the Riot event type. 1
-50% from previous week
Event Types
Battles: 14 Events
Explosions/Remote Violence: 17 Events
Violence Against Civilians: 4 Events
Mob Violence: 0 Events
Protests: 1 Events
Violent Demonstrations: 0 Events